When it comes to support services, Tsebo guarantees you get more than what you pay for

When it comes to support services, Tsebo guarantees you get more than what you pay for

Executives often walk through their environments and wonder about the effectiveness of their support services. They ask themselves: “Are we over or underserviced? Are the staff productive? Are we receiving what we pay for? Are we maintaining our assets correctly and are our service providers delivering what they claim to be?”

We all hear horror stories of leaking roofs causing damage to the product because someone forgot to check the waterproofing or clear the blocked downpipes. We learn that the generator has handed in its resignation during a protracted period of loadshedding, because a qualified technician didn’t service it. We’re told that the key components can’t function without major repair or, worse, that we need to purchase a new one as a result.

There are also those stories of companies being sold expensive, over-specified generators that mechanically decline due to underutilisation. Let’s not mention empty diesel tanks or the obsolete batteries supporting the uninterrupted power supply.

While capturing planned maintenance on Excel was once the rage, it simply isn’t cutting it anymore. Nor is scanning purchase orders and sending them off to a supplier who may or may not respond timeously. No one wants to have to unpack 53 boxes at their filing supplier to find a document that proves compliance. We all know that it’s the executives who bear responsibility for the hefty fine, or even imprisonment, if that document can’t be found.

Ours is a complex world and leading a business is challenging enough without having to second guess multiple suppliers and sub-contractors. And employing armies of service-level cost checkers only duplicates the effort and adds complexity and cost to the cost you are reviewing.

While these horror stories are real, they are also easily avoidable through a partnership with a professional facilities management company. Tsebo Facilities (FM) Solutions operates on a locally developed Facilities and Asset Management System, which has extensive capabilities to ensure an automated, real-time view of work orders, productivity, SLAs and KPIs. The system tracks and manages processes via a smartphone or tablet to ensure that a contractor receives and completes work orders and simultaneously provides our clients with real-time visibility of all operational activity on their sites across all 76 services Tsebo FM provides.

The system integrates with enterprise software providing clients with cutting-edge management information customised to their industry’s or individual requirements. Tsebo Facilities Solutions provides hard (electrical, mechanical and aesthetic maintenance, which includes maintaining critical assets and infrastructure as well as small maintenance and building projects); soft (cleaning, hygiene, security, catering, waste management and landscaping among others); and business support services (such as reception, telephony and concierge services, office automation, space design as well as moves and churn). The remote monitoring capabilities of the system ensure that our clients are never caught out by surprises such as non-functioning generators, UPS’s or other critical engineering assets. Even fuel levels can be monitored, making those days of dry diesel tanks a thing of the past.

Planned asset maintenance is managed on the system to ensure no one forgets to check the waterproofing or misses the blocked downpipes in autumn. Proof of statutory maintenance is available through the push of a button to extract the auditable data from the system.

Tsebo FM Solutions has also developed an enviable track record in initiating enterprise development projects ensuring that our clients meet their obligations as good corporate citizens and in terms of national or industry codes. We have strengthened these capabilities with an established Joint Venture with Siyaka a recognised specialist service provider from a community development perspective for clients in the private and public sectors. Tsebo is extremely proud of its Level 1 B-BBEE contributor status, which serves as testament to our organisation’s focus on its people, the communities it operates in and its suppliers.

Tsebo Facilities Solutions provides its clients with:

  • A customised facilities management solution to support our client’s businesses
  • A single point of contact and one invoice for multiple services
  • Professional services delivered by well-trained professionals and employees
  • An auditable Facilities Management System
  • A lever to pull, controlling both demand and supply
  • Best-in-class management information and reporting capabilities
  • Access to specialised engineering and energy management solutions

Want to put the questions and uncertainty concerning your engineering and maintenance behind you?

Get in Touch:
+27 (0)11 441 5300


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